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Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board
Company Website:
Careers Website:
Education and Training| Government and Public Administration| Hospitality and Tourism| Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security
Positions Typically Hiring For:
MPRB has positions spanning a range of areas including: Recreation/Sports/Camps, Aquatics, Park Police/Park Agents, and Child Care.

Established in 1883, the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) oversees a renowned urban park system spanning 7,059 acres of parkland and water. Featured among its 185 park properties are 55 miles parkways, 102 miles of Grand Rounds biking and walking paths, 22 lakes, 12 formal gardens, seven golf courses and 49 recreation centers. Altogether, MPRB properties receive more than 30 million visits annually.
Since 2013, MPRB has been recognized among the top five urban park systems in the United States by the Trust for Public Land. It is accredited by the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies (CAPRA)— one of three park agencies in Minnesota and fewer than 200 in the United States with this distinction for excellence in operations and service. View additional MPRB awards.
Contact Information
City-Wide Programs
(612) 723-8846
2100 West River Road